Positions Opening
Fenghua Academy encourages qualified applicants send their resumes to info@fenghuaschool.org. If you see yourself could be potentially fit for a teacher position for any of the classes that we offer, please contact us at info@fenghuaschool.org. We will get back to you as soon as we can to discuss any openings and your qualification. Nothing is more fulfilling than putting our students first and have positive influence on the young lives!

We also have positions for high school students who would like to perform community volunteer work. These positions include ESL teachers, teaching assistants for math, Chinese, and Arts, as well as administration assistants. Volunteers will work with school staff through the process and have great opportunity to learn, to take responsibility and to excise leadership. We are thrilled to see that there are already so many high school students volunteering at our school! We can and will have more students joining!

Once again, thanks for visiting, please contact us at info@fenghuaschool.org!

Fenghua Academy